‘To find a man’s true character, play golf with him.’ – PG Wodehouse

Wodehouse frequently included golf in his humorous writings and was a keen player himself.
As you all know, I have developed some Roosters accessories and one of my favourites but not yet marketed, have been the smoking rooster golf balls. Although, I am more of a mini golf player myself, I am actually curious to discover this sport a bit more. It seems to have it's own universe and I am sure there are plenty of characters that I could be inspired by roaming around. After all, it is one of the most prestigious sporting activities out there... I have always been more of a tennis player for the record. From the few times I have tried, I have to say, it does not seem that easy! And this is precisely why I want to try some more - because the more things are complicated, the more you can grow as a person. Don't miss out on the Rooster golf balls and the backpack.
Here are some shots from the Saint Baulme course in the South of France last summer!
